Проектирование в графическом дизайне

France has given the world a huge galaxy of outstanding artists, one of which is the largest and most prominent representative of the artistic movement of Fauvism, Henri Matisse. His career began in 1892, when the future artist successfully passed the exams at the Paris Academy of Julian. There he attracted the attention of Gustave Moreau, who predicted a bright career for Matisse in the artistic field. Henri Matisse is a French painter and sculptor, the leader of the Fauvist movement. He is known for his research in the transmission of emotions through color and form.

Henri Matisse1910

Bouquet of Roses
Pierre-Auguste Renoir1909

Composition with Skull
Pablo Picasso1908

Children of the Painter
Heinrich Ehmsen1921

Henri Matisse1918

Henri Matisse1915

Henri Matisse1916

Henri Matisse1920